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The Great Sorcery


The Great Sorcery

The Great Sorcery

Welcome to the mystical world of The Great Sorcery, where four powerful sorcerers await you on the reels. Each of them possesses a unique talent and skill that they will use to help you win big.

As you spin the reels, you’ll notice that the wild symbols appear more often, increasing your chances of hitting a winning combination. And when you hit a winning streak, the sorcerers will reward you with free games, which can stack up to an incredible 50 free games.

But that’s not all. If you continue to win during the free games, you’ll trigger a retrigger feature that can keep the free games going indefinitely. And if you’re lucky enough to trigger the bonus game, you’ll get to select magical gems to fill the wizard cauldron and win big prizes. But be careful which gem you choose – the spider spell will multiply your prize, but the wrong choice could leave you empty-handed.

Get ready to enter the world of The Great Sorcery and harness the power of the sorcerers to unlock riches beyond your wildest dreams!


  • Free Games
  • Bonus Game
  • Jackpot Game


  • Android
  • IOS
  • Windows


English, 简体中文, ไทย, မြန်မာစာ, Tiếng việt, អង់គ្លេស, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog


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